Thursday 9 February 2023

Internship assessment

 This blog is made based on my experience that showcases my competency and pitfalls

UNIT duties—-First 15 days (12/12/22-26/12/22)

                        Last 16 days (27/1/23-11/2/23)

>I would check the vitals of my patients and update SOAP notes Daily morning   

>Have taken samples and took the patients for required investigations (CECT,USG ABDOMEN,XRAYS AND RECENTLY GOT IVP DONE FOR A URETHRAL STRICTURE CASE)          

>have done ascitic tap on a patient 


>I have checked vitals of every patient 

>Examined for reflexes, postural hypotension, Romberg’s sign

>Have learnt basic management protocol for sob, chest pain and headaches 

Here are the blogs I made during my unit duties 






ICU AND AMC DUTIES (27/12/22-31/12/22 and on 6/1/23,7/1/23)

>My first and foremost important work in ICU AND AMC was to monitor the vitals of patients timely ( varying from hourly basis to 2nd hourly)

>Have Taken about 5 ABGs and many samples for lab investigations.

>Have Learnt how to manage in critical situations 

>I have Assisted in intubation for 1 patient

> Ryles have been put for 4 patients  

> Foleys have been put for 7patients

>Have given RT feeds 

> have helped the patient for ambulation

NEPHRO DUTY (1/1/23-5/1/23)

>monitored patients who came for dialysis 

>Handled Day care patients who came for dialysis. 

> Learnt about dialysis machine , central line care and fistula importance

>Have given NTG to 1 patient and have monitored the patient meticulously 

> Have learnt how to maintain patients BP and GRBS while dialysis is going on

> Have Learnt about drugs used in hypo and hypertension

> here is the link to the blog of an icu patient who underwent dialysis :

WARD DUTIES (8/1/23-11/1/23)

> Have updated soap notes of patients

>Helped my co interns in updating soap notes 

>Have taken samples

>was present for rounds and presented the cases 

>with the help of my Co intern , i have completed all the works assigned 

PSYCHIATRY DUTY (12/1/23-26/1/23)

>Learned about importance of history taking 

>vitals monitoring done for OP patients

Examples like :

1. Schizophrenia 




 learnt about the medications given to the patients and their side effects

> have seen and learnt from pgs regarding how they handle patients in DAC

>Have had a catatonic schizophrenic patient admitted, for whom I have monitored and learned how BENZODIAZEPINES worked in this patient. 

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Internship assessment

 This blog is made based on my experience that showcases my competency and pitfalls UNIT duties —-First 15 days (12/12/22-26/12/22)         ...